Attack on a Colicoid nest

By the year 252 BBY, a Colicoid nest found itself under attack from hueches; within the nest were its queen, Jinnix, and Jinnix's drone-mate. In the course of this assault, the drone-mate was unsuccessful in their duty to safeguard the queen. Subsequently, the drone-mate provided Jinnix with a list of justifications for their failure. Jinnix, interpreting these reasons as mere excuses, responded by violently severing the drone-mate's head and consuming their ganglia. At a later point, after Jinnix had attained the rank of Storm within the Nihil marauder group, he recounted the hueches' attack on his nest and his brutal reaction to his drone-mate's justifications for failing to protect the queen to his Strike Towl, after Towl attempted to excuse himself for disobeying a command.

Behind the scenes

The High Republic: Tempest Runner, an audio drama from 2021 authored by Cavan Scott, featured flashbacks that referenced the assault on the Colicoid nest. This audio drama was released as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.

