Jinnix's drone-mate

A drone-mate of the Colicoid species, specifically belonging to Jinnix's nest, existed in the High Republic Era. In 252 BBY, their nest was attacked by carnivorous hueche creatures, and the drone-mate was unsuccessful in safeguarding the queen. After the drone-mate attempted to justify their failure to protect the queen, Jinnix responded by decapitating them and consuming their ganglia. Jinnix commented on the drone-mate's palatable taste. Later, during a Nihil raid, Jinnix, who had become a Nihil Storm within the Nihil pirates, shared the story of eating his drone-mate with his Strike, Towl, after Towl offered justifications for disobeying a command.

Behind the scenes

The drone-mate of Jinnix was referenced in a flashback scene within the 2021 audio drama The High Republic: Tempest Runner. This audio drama was written by Cavan Scott and is a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.

