Attack on the Black Sun smash-processing lab

Between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, amidst the backdrop of the Syndicate War, the Orphans launched an assault on a Black Sun smash-processing lab situated on Dantooine. This particular laboratory was in the process of formulating a method to enhance the potency of the drug smash across a wider range of species. Crimson Dawn's leader, Lady Qi'ra, contracted the Orphans to obliterate this base of operations. The team accomplished their mission, leveling the lab, and cleverly concealing their involvement from the Black Sun. This deception led the criminal organization to wrongly assume that a rival syndicate was behind the attack. Information regarding the destruction of the facility, including video evidence of the burning site and the Aurebesh message "Black Sun is in eclipse" superimposed on the footage, circulated widely on the Shadowfeeds.

