Attack on the Distillery

The onslaught targeting the Distillery occurred on the planet of Coyerti in the year 3 ABY. This [distillery](/article/distillery], a facility for refining both biotoxin and other chemicals, was utilized by the Galactic Empire. As the central point of the Empire's manufacturing on Coyerti, it became a high-priority objective for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The attack

The 61st Mobile Infantry of the Alliance to Restore the Republic initiated a campaign on the planet Coyerti in 3 ABY, which was less than a month prior to the battle on Hoth. A primary target was the distillery, which served as the core of bio-weapon production on Coyerti. This facility primarily consisted of three white bunkers, camouflaged by vegetation and protected by three stormtrooper patrols. The assault began when Rebel soldier Brand attached a microdetonator to one of the chemical barrels. Its subsequent explosion created enough of a diversion for the 61st's members to engage, eliminating the remaining stormtrooper guards. The rebels then gained entry into the Distillery, systematically clearing the bunkers and planting detonators as they progressed. After the rebel forces evacuated the distillery, they triggered the detonators, resulting in its complete destruction.


Everi Chalis stated that the distillery's obliteration would significantly delay operations on Coyerti for several years. However, the Sixty-First encountered some of Coyerti's biotoxins during their attack on Nakadia, due to the Empire's extensive existing bioweapon stockpiles.

Behind the scenes

The Distillery attack is featured in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed.

