In the year 230 BBY, the Nihil, a group of pirates, launched an attack targeting the planet known as Thelj. News of this assault reached the Galactic Republic's space station, Starlight Beacon, just hours after it occurred. Upon contacting Jedi Master Estala Maru, who was on duty at Starlight Beacon, Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh received notification of the event. Subsequently, Rwoh inquired of the Jedi Master whether there were any reports of people disappearing as a result of the attack, but he did not confirm any such reports from Thelj.
The planet Thelj's attack was referenced inside of the 2022 young adult book The High Republic: Mission to Disaster, authored by Justina Ireland. It was released as a piece of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic project, which spans multiple forms of media.