Attar of spinsilk

Attar of spinsilk was a green-hued type of liquor. Its taste profile was characterized by a gentle spiciness that caused a tingling feeling on the tongue. The human individual Vellis San Tekka particularly enjoyed attar of spinsilk. Following the Great Hyperspace Disaster which occurred in 232 BBY, a servitor droid presented the beverage to the Jedi figures Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann in a stemless glass bowl. This occurred when the two Jedi encountered San Tekka and his husband, Marlowe San Tekka, at their Varykino home located on the planet Naboo. Kriss commented on the drink's refinement, and both Jedi found it to be quite palatable, subsequently discussing their experience with Vellis.

Behind the scenes

Attar of spinsilk made its debut in The High Republic: Light of the Jedi. This 2021 novel, penned by Charles Soule, is a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative. In reality, the term "attar" denotes a liquid obtained through the extraction of essential plant oils.

