Aurum, which would eventually become known as the lost city of Aurum, was a city situated on the planet of Tython. The Tythans, who were the settlers transported to Tython aboard the Tho Yor ships in 36,453 BBY, were responsible for its construction. More than one thousand years following the Tho Yor Arrival, a Force Storm, a potent event causing extreme weather and earthquakes on Tython, led to Aurum's demise. The destruction of the city, along with the death of numerous Tythans who were not Force-sensitive, played a significant role in the determination that all Tythans lacking Force-sensitivity should leave Tython and establish settlements on the other planets within the Tython system.
The initial mention of Aurum occurred in Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm 1, a comic book that was released on February 15, 2012. In the comic book, the page before Aurum is referenced during Je'daii Master Ketu's narration depicts the destruction of a city, although it remains unclear whether this city is indeed Aurum.