Barnabas Vim

Barnabas Vim, a celebrated Jedi Master of human descent, served as the mentor to Padawan Vix Fonnick. Well before the events of 382 BBY, Vim, accompanied by his apprentice, journeyed to the world of Angcord in pursuit of the legendary Echo Stone.


The Discovery of the Echo Stone on Angcord

Prior to 382 BBY, Barnabas Vim, together with his Padawan, Vix Fonnick, embarked on a voyage to the planet Angcord seeking artifacts connected to the Force. A local legend had lured them to Angcord, speaking of a gem capable of strengthening an individual's connection to the Force. It was said this gem had been concealed on the planet to shield it from the Sith, and its energies had sustained the world ever since. However, communication from Angcord had ceased years prior, and as Vim and Fonnick drew near, they sensed a disturbance in the Force. The planet's sovereign, the Lady of Angcord, greeted them, voicing her concerns that the world was in decline. Upon landing, the Lady explained that crops were failing and trees were dying, but her Pilgrim Warriors reaffirmed their loyalty and showcased their Force abilities. Fonnick provoked the First Pilgrim by expressing doubt that they could wield the Force like Jedi, prompting Vim to scold her for her lack of tact.

Subsequently, the pair followed the Lady to an amphitheater to witness the Pilgrim Warriors creating visual spectacles through elemental manipulation – mind-painting. Vim and Fonnick were both amazed, with Vim commenting that he had never seen such harmonious collaboration among Force-users. The Lady then offered to reveal the source of Angcord's power, guiding the Jedi to the Echo Stone housed in a sanctum beneath the city. Fonnick inadvertently revealed their quest for Force artifacts, causing the Lady and First Pilgrim to become wary, fearing the Jedi intended to steal the stone. Vim tried to allay their concerns, promising they would only take it with Angcord's permission. The Lady then recounted the planet's history and its bond with the stone; the original settlers had vowed to protect the stone, and in return, it would safeguard them. However, Vim suggested they had misinterpreted the stone's true nature, implying it had 'lied' to them, a notion that incensed the First Pilgrim, who threatened the Jedi until Vim convinced the Lady to allow him time to meditate on the stone.

Vim and Fonnick on Angcord

That evening, Vim entered a meditative state, experiencing a dream that revealed to him that proximity to the Force did not prevent death, but rather that death gave meaning to life. He understood that this very truth was embedded in the stone's gift to Angcord. Upon awakening, Vim urgently called a meeting with the Lady, informing her that the stone was indeed draining the planet's life force. Faced with the anger of the Pilgrim Warriors, he explained that the Force consisted of both the dark and the light, and that the stone was a conduit for both aspects. Vim asserted that the stone had not only poisoned Angcord through the Dark Side, but that it had also corrupted the Lady herself. She denied this, but when Vim attempted to sever her connection to the stone, she attacked, and the Pilgrim Warriors joined the assault on the Jedi. Vim and Fonnick struggled to fend off the attacks but persevered until Fonnick managed to strike the stone with her lightsaber, shattering it. This action immediately restored the Lady's clarity, and she agreed that the Jedi should remove the stone's remnants from Angcord. Vim agreed and assured her that the Republic would provide aid to the planet. He and Fonnick then departed, with Vim announcing that they had to separate; he would take one shard to the source of the stone's power to gain a deeper understanding, while she would scatter the other fragments across the galaxy. Their shared goal was to prevent the shards from being reunited by malevolent individuals.


Around 382 BBY, Jedi Knight Azlin Rell, while investigating the suspicious deaths of Zallah Macri and Kevmo Zink on Dalna, consulted the Jedi Archives at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and learned of Vim and Fonnick's encounter with the Echo Stone. Rell concluded that the stone was likely connected to the events that had transpired.


Vim's weapon of choice was a lightsaber that emitted a green blade.

