Vix Fonnick was a Jedi Twi'lek from the Rutian species, and she served as the Padawan to the celebrated Jedi Master Barnabas Vim. Fonnick's weapon of choice was a lightsaber that emitted an indigo blade. The pair ventured to the enigmatic world of Angcord circa 482 BBY, with the aim of finding the Echo Stone.
Around 482 BBY, Vix Fonnick, accompanied by her master Barnabas Vim, journeyed to the planet Angcord on a quest to locate Force artifacts. A legend had lured them to Angcord, speaking of a gem capable of greatly enhancing an individual's connection to the Force. This gem was said to have been concealed on the planet to shield it from the Sith, and its energies had sustained the world ever since. However, communication between Angcord and the wider galaxy had ceased many years prior, and as Vim and Fonnick approached the planet, they sensed a disturbance in the Force. They received a message from the planet's leader, the Lady of Angcord, who expressed her concern that the world was nearing its end. Upon landing, the Lady explained that crops were failing and trees were dying. However, her Pilgrim Warriors reaffirmed their devotion to her and put on a display of their Force abilities. Fonnick's skepticism about their use of the Force, compared to the Jedi, provoked the First Pilgrim, leading Vim to scold her for speaking without thinking.
Subsequently, the pair accompanied the Lady to an amphitheater to witness the Pilgrim Warriors creating visual representations through their elemental control - a practice known as mind-painting. Both Fonnick and her master were amazed by what they witnessed, with Vim stating that he had never seen such a cohesive group of Force users. The Lady then offered to reveal the source of Angcord's power, leading the Jedi to the Echo Stone, housed within a sanctum beneath the city. Fonnick inadvertently mentioned their search for Force artifacts, causing the Lady and First Pilgrim to become wary, fearing that the Jedi intended to take the stone. Vim attempted to allay their concerns, assuring them that they would only do so with Angcord's permission. The Lady then shared the planet's history and its connection to the stone, explaining that the first settlers had pledged to protect it, and in return, it would protect them. However, Fonnick's master suggested that they had misunderstood the stone's true nature, proposing that it had 'lied' to them. This idea enraged the First Pilgrim, who threatened the Jedi with violence until Vim managed to persuade the Lady to allow him time to meditate on the stone.
During a meditative sleep, Vim awoke Fonnick in the middle of the night, having discovered that both the light and dark side of the Force were present within the stone. The Jedi then met with the Lady, informing her that the stone was draining the planet's vitality and had also affected her personally. She denied this, but when Vim attempted to sever her connection to the stone, she reacted instinctively, and the Pilgrim Warriors joined in attacking the Jedi. Fonnick and her master struggled to defend themselves until the padawan managed to strike the stone with her lightsaber, shattering it into pieces. This action immediately restored the Lady's senses, and she agreed that the Jedi should remove the remnants of the stone from Angcord. After promising that the Republic would provide aid to the planet, Fonnick and her master departed. As they left, Vim informed her that they would need to separate; he would take one shard to the source of the stone's power to gain a better understanding of it, while she would scatter the remaining fragments across the Galaxy. Fonnick expressed her doubts about going alone, but Vim assured her that she was ready. They both hoped that their actions would prevent the shards from being reunited by the wrong individual.