Batarikans were a species of snake that inhabited the planet Galidraan, located in the Outer Rim. During the High Republic Era, the mercenary known as Ty Yorrick accepted a contract to hunt a batarikan on that particular world. What she discovered was that the serpent was actually infested with a Drengir—a sentient, carnivorous plant—its roots filling its eyes and nasal passages, and its body being drained of its vital substances. Realizing that many inhabitants of Galidraan had suffered a similar fate, the mercenary chose to abandon her mission and escape, narrowly avoiding death. In 231 BBY, while on the swamp world Safrifa undertaking a rescue mission, Yorrick reflected on her time spent hunting the batarikan on Galidraan as she battled yet another Drengir.
The 2021 book The High Republic: The Rising Storm, penned by Cavan Scott as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic project, included a reference to the batarikan.