Battle of Xorrn (Clone Wars)

During the Clone Wars period, specifically from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, the planet Xorrn, situated within the Outer Rim Territories, became the site of many battles. Shortly after the opening battle that initiated the war, the Galactic Republic unearthed secretly built battle droid factories beneath the planetary crust, which the Geonosian species had erected years before. This discovery turned Xorrn into a battlefield for the remainder of the war.

As the final year of the war approached, the Republic had sustained significant casualties in their attempts to seize Xorrn and its factories. In the end, concluding that the planet's capture was no longer justifiable given the losses, the Republic initiated an orbital bombardment of the planet. This action led to the destruction of numerous factories, along with several warships belonging to both the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

