BB-8 - A Hero Rolls Out

title: "BB-8 - A Hero Rolls Out"

"BB-8 - A Hero Rolls Out" marks the forty-first installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. Its initial release occurred on March 27, 2020 via the Star Wars Kids channel on YouTube.

Plot summary

The episode commences with BB-8 evading blaster bolts at Niima Outpost located on Jakku. The narrator states that within a "galaxy of adventures," BB-8 enters into combat situations. BB-8 topples a pair of First Order stormtroopers before making his escape alongside Finn and Rey on the Millennium Falcon. After Rey activates the ship's thrusters, BB-8 secures himself by deploying his grappling line.

The scene then transitions to BB-8 piloting with Poe Dameron in his T-70 X-wing starfighter Black One during the attack against the Resistance navy. After the starfighter sustains damage, Poe assigns BB-8 the task of mending the ship's weaponry. The ever-loyal BB-8 goes into the astromech socket, successfully repairing the targeting mechanism just as Poe needs it to destroy a TIE/sf space superiority fighter.

Subsequently, BB-8 discharges coins at officers belonging to the Canto Bight Police Department. He then arrives to assist Finn and Rose Tico amidst the burning hangar of the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy. BB-8 commandeers a First Order All Terrain Scout Transport and eliminates a number of stormtroopers. Finn and Rose accompany BB-8 within the walker. Finn expresses his approval to BB-8 with a thumbs-up, and the droid reciprocates using his spark projector.

