"BB-8 - A Hero Rolls Out" marks the forty-first installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. Its initial release occurred on March 27, 2020 via the Star Wars Kids channel on YouTube.
The episode commences with BB-8 evading blaster bolts at Niima Outpost located on Jakku. The narrator states that within a "galaxy of adventures," BB-8 enters into combat situations. BB-8 topples a pair of First Order stormtroopers before making his escape alongside Finn and Rey on the Millennium Falcon. After Rey activates the ship's thrusters, BB-8 secures himself by deploying his grappling line.
The scene then transitions to BB-8 piloting with Poe Dameron in his T-70 X-wing starfighter Black One during the attack against the Resistance navy. After the starfighter sustains damage, Poe assigns BB-8 the task of mending the ship's weaponry. The ever-loyal BB-8 goes into the astromech socket, successfully repairing the targeting mechanism just as Poe needs it to destroy a TIE/sf space superiority fighter.
Subsequently, BB-8 discharges coins at officers belonging to the Canto Bight Police Department. He then arrives to assist Finn and Rose Tico amidst the burning hangar of the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy. BB-8 commandeers a First Order All Terrain Scout Transport and eliminates a number of stormtroopers. Finn and Rose accompany BB-8 within the walker. Finn expresses his approval to BB-8 with a thumbs-up, and the droid reciprocates using his spark projector.