Berun Modrul

Berun Modrul, serving as Zherron's second-in-command, was a member of the Khoonda Militia during 3951 BBY. This young male Human was known for his strong opinions and frequently believed his judgment surpassed Zherron's, even desiring a compromise with Azkul and the mercenaries. When Meetra Surik inquired about his opinion of the Jedi, Modrul stood out as one of the few without reservations, acknowledging their assistance to the settlers and their role in solving a murder. Subsequently, Modrul participated in the Battle of Khoonda, where he came to the realization that Zherron's assessment of the mercenaries was accurate. His subsequent involvement with Zherron and the Khoonda Militia in the Battle of Telos IV, or his remaining on Dantooine, is not known.

Behind the scenes

Within the game, players possess the capacity to elevate Berun to the role of captain, relegating Zherron to a subordinate position. This can be achieved by informing Administrator Adare of Zherron's actions of endangering Khoonda through spying on the mercenaries. This choice does not grant the player any dark or light side points, leaving its canonicity ambiguous. However, this is mutually exclusive with a quest where the exile must recover atmospheric sensors for Saedhe, a militia member. Should the player uncover hidden cameras on the sensors and interrogate the militia member about them, opting to return the sensors at their original price will reward the player with light side points.

Even if the player successfully installs Berun as the new Militia captain, Zherron is immediately returned to his former position, as the militia becomes aware of Azkul's impending attack on Khoonda.

