Khoonda Militia

The Khoonda Militia constituted an impromptu military force under the command of Militia Captain Zherron and his second-in-command, Berun Modrul. Positioned on the world of Dantooine, they functioned as both the local law enforcement and the planet's defense, contributing to the control of the indigenous wildlife, the safeguarding of settlers and scavengers, and the maintenance of order in Khoonda outpost and its surrounding territories. The absence of direct assistance from the Galactic Republic following the Jedi Civil War, however, led to a period of hardship for the militia, the outpost, and the broader local population.

A considerable number of militia members harbored negative sentiments towards the Jedi Order, holding them accountable for the devastation inflicted upon Dantooine by the Sith Lords after the Jedi Enclave was bombarded by Darth Malak. During the subsequent Sith occupation, many of Dantooine's leading citizens were "removed," leaving very little for the remaining inhabitants when the Sith eventually abandoned the planet after the Battle of Rakata Prime.

In the year 3951 BBY, the militia engaged in combat against mercenary forces led by the former Sith trooper Azkul to defend the settlement of Khoonda during the initial conflict on Dantooine. With the support and encouragement of the Jedi Exile, the vastly outnumbered militia regrouped, successfully repelled the mercenaries, and protected Khoonda and its inhabitants, including settlers, farmers, and salvagers, from further danger. Eventually, the Republic resumed its support for this isolated but strategically important star system, reinforcing the militia with soldiers trained by the Republic.

Later, when the Sith plotted an assault on Telos' Citadel Station, Zherron, along with several other militia members, assisted the TSF and the Jedi Exile in liberating the station from the Sith forces.

Behind the scenes

The Jedi Exile could recruit many of the militia's recognizable members through conversation choices during her time on Dantooine; among those who could be recruited were Akkere, Dillan, Jorran, and Suulru.

If the player opts for the Dark Side alignment, the Khoonda militia, along with the outpost itself, is sabotaged and ultimately defeated by Azkul's mercenary forces. In this scenario, Azkul will be present on Citadel Station during the Battle of Telos IV, fighting alongside his mercenaries.

If a member of the Militia perished during the Battle of Dantooine, they may still be present in the game. They will be unmoving in the location where they died, and the Exile can pass through them and cannot interact with them.

It is possible to enlist militia members even after the attack, which will cause the quest to remain active throughout the remainder of the game.

During the Battle of Telos IV, the Jedi Exile fights alongside some of the militia in an attempt to repel a squad of Sith troops. Here, all unnamed members are vulnerable to death if the enemy focuses fire on them for an extended period. Also, each of these members are incorrectly identified as "Koonda Militia".

