Dillan, a Human female, called the planet Dantooine home. Her life spanned the time before, during, and after the Jedi Civil War. She was the first individual to greet Meetra Surik and her traveling companions when they initially landed on Dantooine. Dillan provided the former Jedi with an account of the planet's history following Surik's departure to fight in the Mandalorian Wars. Later, she enlisted in the Khoonda Militia, helping to defend their outpost from the mercenaries employed by Azkul, a former Sith trooper.

Dillan, a Human female, spent her entire life on Dantooine. She had direct knowledge of the difficult history of the planet following the commencement of the Mandalorian Wars. Dillan held the Jedi Order in low esteem, as they had previously maintained an enclave near the Khoonda outpost. She held them accountable for the Sith Empire's invasion and subsequent occupation of her world, as well as the troubles caused by Mandalorian raiders before the conflict. In 3954 BBY, she offered a greeting to Meetra Surik, a former Jedi, who arrived on Dantooine accompanied by several companions. Initially curious about Surik and her group, Dillan eventually cautioned her that she would not be warmly received at the Khoonda outpost, which served as the governing center for the struggling colony. She noted that many citizens also viewed the Jedi unfavorably. She proceeded to describe the general situation on Dantooine, informing Surik about the strained relationship between the settlers of Khoonda, the salvagers seeking to loot the ruins of the Jedi Enclave, and the issues that both groups faced with Azkul's mercenaries, who was a Sith trooper.
Later, Surik convinced Dillan to join the Khoonda Militia, as she believed that the consequences of a mercenary takeover of Dantooine would be far worse than her current job. When Azkul and his forces eventually attacked the Khoonda outpost, she fought alongside Surik, Jedi Master Vrook Lamar, and the rest of the militia.
Dillan possessed a pragmatic nature and enjoyed welcoming the crews of arriving starships. Like the majority of Khoonda's inhabitants, she harbored a negative opinion of the Jedi. She believed that their presence on Dantooine led to the Sith under Darth Malak invading and destroying most of the communities on her home planet, in addition to bombarding the Jedi Enclave into ruins. As a survivor of the brief but devastating occupation that followed, Dillan developed cynical views regarding both the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. She, along with most residents, understood that in the aftermath of the destructive Jedi Civil War, the Senate could not afford to provide support to such a distant colony world, despite its strategic importance. Nevertheless, she remained dedicated to her community and was determined to prevent it from falling under mercenary control if she could.
Dillan made her debut in the 2004 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Her reaction to Surik's arrival is influenced by several factors, such as whether Surik is carrying a lightsaber during their meeting and the player's dialogue choices.
Although recruiting her into the militia is not mandatory for plot progression, it is required for achieving 100% game completion. If the player chooses the dark side path throughout the game, Dillan will not be recruited into the militia, and the Exile will side with the mercenaries tasked with seizing the planet. Interestingly, during the battle within Khoonda, Dillan is seen wearing the same attire as a Czerka Corporation protocol officer from the prequel game.