Calder Nettic, a male Human, resided on Dantooine during the era of the Jedi Civil War. In 3956 BBY, he met his death at the hands of a colonist by the name of Handon Guld, the result of Nettic's affair with Guld's wife. The circumstances surrounding his murder were investigated by Jedi Investigator Bolook alongside Revan.

Living on the farming planet of Dantooine, situated in the Outer Rim, was a male Human colonist named Calder Nettic. This occurred during the time of the Jedi Civil War, and he shared his life with his wife. Together with Rickard Lusoff, another colonist, he operated a business providing transportation from the surface to orbit. After a particular business transaction in 3956 BBY, Lusoff accused Nettic of swindling him out of credits. On one occasion, the two were at a cantina that was connected to the spaceport in Garang, the capital city of the planet. After consuming drinks, they engaged in a heated, drunken argument, which was observed by the local authorities. The Jedi Enclave located on the planet was notified, and a Jedi by the name of Tooka was sent to put an end to the dispute. At the same time, Nettic was involved in a romantic affair with the wife of Handon Guld.

Guld discovered Nettic's affair with his wife after they had repeatedly rented a speeder together. Consumed by rage, he began plotting Nettic's murder. Simultaneously, Lusoff was also devising a plan to kill Nettic, feeling that he had been cheated out of money. Several weeks following the destruction of Taris, the ecumenopolis world in the Outer Rim, by the Sith Empire, Nettic found himself in an Ancient Grove close to the Jedi Enclave on a cloudy morning. Guld ambushed him, shooting him in the back using a blaster. However, at the same moment, Lusoff was also planning to kill Nettic. Upon seeing Guld standing there, Lusoff fired his hunting rifle, hitting Guld in the side of his abdomen. As he emerged from the undergrowth, Lusoff sustained an injury to his leg, while Guld dropped his blaster and called for help, fearing for his life.
A Jedi Master named Bolook was given the assignment to investigate the scene, taking on the role of an investigator. Bolook was accompanied by an information droid that had the capability to access the archives both at the Jedi Enclave and in the capital city of Garang. The dropped blaster and a blood sample found at the scene were sent to the Enclave for analysis.

Some hours later, Revan, suffering from amnesia, was tasked by Zhar Lestin of the council with his third and final initiate trial. Revan's task was to eliminate a dark influence, the fallen Padawan Juhani, from the Ancient Grove. As he passed through the crime scene, he was stopped by Bolook, who requested his assistance. Bolook believed that the investigation would provide Revan with valuable training, encouraging him to solve the crime independently. After reviewing the accounts of Guld and Lusoff, Revan began to identify inconsistencies. Once it was confirmed that the blood and blaster did not belong to Nettic, Revan was able to piece together the true sequence of events and presented his findings to Bolook. Bolook was taken aback by the audacity of the claim but proceeded to take both men into custody and escort them to the Enclave's detention facilities. Rickard Lusoff was charged with aggravated assault and attempted murder of both Guld and Nettic, while Handon Guld was officially charged with the murder of Nettic. Following the conclusion of the investigation, Nettic's body was removed from the grove.
Calder Nettic's corpse made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare. If the player traverses through the specified region, interaction with Bolook, and subsequently the investigation, is unavoidable. However, the player has the option to decline assisting Bolook, potentially insulting him in the process. They also have the freedom to abandon the investigation at any point or arrive at an incorrect conclusion. Once the investigation concludes, Nettic's body vanishes.