Rickard Lusoff, a male Human, resided on Dantooine during the era of the Jedi Civil War. His scheme involved the murder of Calder Nettic, his business associate, due to being defrauded in a business agreement.
For more than two decades, both before and during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, Lusoff and Nettic jointly managed a modest transport operation from surface-to-orbit, operating out of the Spaceport of Garang for Aratech. At some point, Lusoff made accusations that Nettic had been dishonest in a business transaction. The intensity of their disagreement escalated to such an extent that Tooka, a Jedi, was deployed to the location to restore peace.
By the year 3956 BBY, Lusoff was under the impression that Nettic had swindled him out of credits from their business's earnings. Consequently, he made an attempt on Nettic's life while the latter was wandering the Dantooine plains. However, he was too late because Handon Guld had already carried out the act as revenge for his wife's affair with Nettic. Lusoff, mistaking Guld for Nettic, shot the other man, who then activated his emergency signal, which summoned the Jedi Bolook, who happened to be in proximity. Even though Bolook tried to resolve the matter, he seemed to encounter some difficulties.
At that precise moment, Revan, suffering from amnesia, and a couple of his allies appeared on the scene, coinciding with the Jedi Knight of the Twi'lek species beginning his personal inquiry into the event. After receiving an invitation to conduct his own investigation, Revan held a series of discussions with Lusoff and Guld, as well as with an information retrieval droid that Bolook had requested from the Enclave.
Lusoff attempted to conceal his culpability by asserting that he was hunting iriaz. He stated that upon spotting such an animal, he fired at it, but upon approaching to examine it, he discovered Guld standing over Nettic's corpse. Nevertheless, Lusoff also claimed that his vision was somewhat impaired due to the sun's glare. His deception started to unravel when Revan confronted him with the reality that the sky was overcast at the time, thus negating any possibility of sun glare.
Revan then began questioning Lusoff about his familiarity with Nettic. Lusoff reluctantly acknowledged their shared business history with Nettic, but deliberately omitted any mention of the cheating controversy to Revan. However, the information droid supplied Revan with this crucial piece of information. Revan then inquired of Lusoff about the weapon discovered near Nettic's body. Lusoff mentioned that Nettic kept an Echani light blaster rifle at his residence, but also stated that the blaster found at the scene was not it, and he had never seen it before. Following further discussions with Guld, the droid, and Bolook, Revan deduced the actual sequence of events: Guld had murdered Nettic as retribution for his affair with his wife, and Lusoff had fired upon Guld, mistaking him for Nettic, in order to avenge being cheated in business. Lusoff cursed Revan and Bolook for uncovering the truth, and both he and Guld were taken into custody to face formal charges for their respective offenses. Guld was charged with murder, while Lusoff faced charges of attempted murder, aggravated assault, and attempted murder on Guld.