Bolook, a male Twi'lek who achieved the rank of Jedi Knight, dedicated his service to the Jedi Order. He was stationed at the Jedi Enclave located on Dantooine during the tumultuous period known as the Jedi Civil War. In the year 3956 BBY, Bolook took on the role of an investigator tasked with solving the murder of Calder Nettic. He received assistance in this endeavor from Revan, who was suffering from amnesia. Together, they managed to piece together the events leading to Nettic's death and identified the perpetrators, Handon Guld and Rickard Lusoff. After the investigation concluded, Bolook formally accused the two men and escorted them to the Enclave's holding facilities.
During the era of the Old Sith Wars, Bolook was a male Twi'lek. At some point, the Jedi discovered his Force-sensitivity and welcomed him into the Jedi Order. By the time of the Jedi Civil War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, Bolook had advanced to the position of Jedi Knight. He was stationed at the secluded Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, a remote farm world situated in the Outer Rim.
During 3956 BBY, while Bolook was stationed on Dantooine, a Human male colonist, Calder Nettic, resided there with his wife. Nettic and Rickard Lusoff, a colonist he had known for over twenty years, operated a transportation service between the surface and orbit. However, after a particular business transaction, Lusoff became convinced that Nettic had defrauded him of credits, leading to a growing resentment. On one occasion, the two men found themselves drinking at a cantina connected to a spaceport in Garang, Dantooine's capital city. Their drinking led to a heated argument, and a Jedi named Tooka was dispatched to the cantina to mediate the dispute. Records of this incident were kept in the archives of both Garang and the Enclave. Simultaneously, Nettic had been renting a speeder on several occasions with a man named Handon Guld, a fact that was also documented. Eventually, Nettic began an affair with Guld's wife, which Guld eventually discovered. Both Lusoff and Guld felt wronged, and each independently began plotting to kill Nettic.

Several weeks after the destruction of Taris, a planet-wide Urban city that was destroyed by Darth Malak's Sith Empire, Calder Nettic was in an Ancient Grove close to the Jedi Enclave on a morning with heavy cloud cover. Both Handon Guld and Rickard Lusoff were aware that Nettic would be in the area and independently stalked him, planning to ambush him. Guld confronted Nettic near a bridge over a small river, fatally shooting him once in the torso. Simultaneously, Lusoff was stalking Nettic from the bushes with a hunting rifle. From a distance, Lusoff mistook Guld for Nettic and fired, hitting Guld in the side of his abdomen. Guld dropped his blaster, which was now covered in his own blood. Lusoff emerged from the bushes, injuring himself in the process. Guld, fearing for his life, quickly activated his emergency button to contact the Jedi Enclave.

Upon receiving Guld's distress call, the Jedi Enclave dispatched Bolook to assess the situation. He arrived at the scene accompanied by an information droid and sent the blaster, along with a sample of Guld's blood found on it, for analysis. Bolook detained the two suspects at the scene while he conducted his investigation.
Approximately three hours later, Revan, an individual suffering from amnesia who possessed the personality of a Republic soldier, was in the process of completing his third initiate trial. This trial had been assigned to him by Jedi Master Zhar Lestin of the Enclave's council. Revan's task was to cleanse the grove of a dark influence stemming from the fallen padawan Juhani, although he was unaware of her identity at the time. While engaged in his trial, he passed by the crime scene, drawing Bolook's attention. Bolook approached Revan and requested his assistance with the case, believing it would be a valuable opportunity to further Revan's training. Revan agreed to help and received a briefing on the situation from Bolook and the droid.
The initial step was to verify the suspects' accounts, so Revan was tasked with interviewing each man. Handon Guld was affable and told Revan that he was running on the plains, as he disliked speeders. He claimed to have heard a blaster shot, rushed to the scene, and found Nettic dead with Rickard Lusoff emerging from the bushes. Guld stated that he immediately contacted the Enclave. With no reason to suspect him, Revan proceeded to interview Lusoff, who was more confrontational but still answered Revan's questions. Lusoff falsely claimed that he was hunting Iriaz on the plains when he spotted a moving target and took a shot. He said that the sun was in his eyes, impairing his vision, but he fired anyway. Upon running out of the bushes, he saw Guld standing over Nettic's body. After some consideration, Revan approached Bolook and declared that he knew who was lying, explaining that the cloudy weather made it impossible for the sun to have blinded Lusoff.
According to Bolook, this information alone was insufficient to prove Lusoff's guilt. Bolook decided to shift the focus to establishing a motive. The Jedi first aimed to determine the relationship between the suspects and the victim, so Revan was sent to question the suspects again. Guld claimed to barely know Nettic, while Lusoff admitted to their previous business dealings, although neither mentioned any animosity. However, Revan consulted the information droid, which retrieved records of the speeder rentals and the cantina incident in Garang.
When Revan accused Lusoff of harboring a grudge against Nettic, Lusoff simply replied with "right" in a dismissive manner. When Guld was confronted, he revealed a previously concealed animosity toward Nettic. When questioned about this, he confessed to his wife's affair with Nettic, although he denied it as a motive.
With potential motives for both suspects, Bolook decided to focus on the blaster found at the scene, which had been sent to the Enclave for analysis. Revan spoke to the droid, which confirmed that the blaster did not belong to Nettic. Lusoff denied ever seeing the blaster, while Guld claimed it had been stolen from his house a week earlier. However, the information droid found no record of a missing weapon report, disproving Guld's claim.
Having uncovered this lie, the Jedi turned their attention to the blood sample found on the weapon. Unfortunately, the sample was contaminated, and the Enclave could only confirm that it was not Nettic's blood. After receiving this information, Bolook decided to examine the suspects more closely. They had noticed Lusoff's limp but found no blood on him. However, upon inspecting Guld, they discovered blood from the blaster wound he had sustained. With this information, Bolook believed he was prepared to reach an accurate conclusion.
Initially, Bolook concluded that Handon Guld had committed the murder and that Rickard Lusoff had mistakenly shot Guld while hunting. However, Revan disagreed, insisting that both suspects were guilty. Bolook was surprised, calling it a bold conclusion that most investigators would not reach. Revan explained that Guld's motive was his wife's affair, while Lusoff's was his belief that Nettic had cheated him out of money. Bolook then correctly pieced together the sequence of events. Upon hearing this, Lusoff confirmed the Jedi's suspicions. Under the authority of the Jedi, Bolook arrested Handon Guld for the murder of Calder Nettic and Rickard Lusoff for aggravated assault and attempted murder. Bolook then escorted the two to the Enclave's holding facilities, bid Revan farewell, and promised to inform the Council of his assistance.
Bolook was a Twi'lek male with orange skin and blue eyes. He wore his lekku wrapped around his neck, a common practice among males of his species during that era.
Bolook considered himself wise and experienced in investigations. When Revan offered to help, Bolook was willing to accept but believed that Revan would benefit more from solving the case independently. Bolook believed that Jedi were different from most people and did not question Revan's bold conclusion. He understood both Basic and Huttese but preferred to speak in Huttese during casual conversation.
Bolook wore standard Jedi robes consisting of a blue tunic, gray pants, gray gloves, and dark blue boots. His robes were identical to those worn by Zhar Lestin of the Enclave's council.

Bolook appeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare. The encounter with Bolook is unavoidable; it is triggered by the player crossing a small bridge in the Ancient Grove on Dantooine, initiating a cutscene. This cutscene begins the quest "Murdered settler," which features most of Bolook's dialogue. However, the player can refuse the quest in the initial cutscene, potentially insulting Bolook. They can also abandon the investigation at any point or arrive at an incorrect final conclusion.
In the Xbox version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Bolook's skin is green.