During the Jedi Civil War, a Human male named Handon Guld resided on Dantooine alongside his wife. Instead of using speeders, he preferred to run across the Dantooine plains. Despite his aversion to speeders, he was known to share the rental of one with Calder Nettic. Guld, upon discovering his wife's infidelity with Nettic, took Nettic's life on the Dantooine plains as an act of vengeance.
The earliest documented event concerning Handon Guld involves a shared speeder rental with Calder Nettic. Despite this shared rental, Guld considered Nettic to be a morally questionable and unpopular figure on Dantooine.
In 3956 BBY, Guld learned of his wife's affair with Nettic. Consumed by rage, he plotted Nettic's demise. On a specific day, he located Nettic on the Dantooine plains and fatally wounded him with a single blaster shot to the torso. Shortly thereafter, Rickard Lusoff, who also sought to kill Nettic for cheating him in a business deal at Garang Spaceport, accidentally shot Guld in the hip. This caused Guld to drop his blaster, leading him to activate his emergency beacon to call for assistance from the nearby Jedi Enclave, with the intention of framing Rickard as the perpetrator. A few hours later, the Jedi Bolook was dispatched to the location and commenced an investigation, appearing perplexed by the situation.
As fate, or perhaps the Force, would have it, Revan, an amnesiac former Jedi Knight who had become a Dark Lord of the Sith before losing his memories, arrived while undergoing re-training as a Jedi Padawan. Under Bolook's guidance, Revan took it upon himself to investigate the case, interrogating both Guld and Lusoff and gathering information from an information retrieval droid provided by Bolook. Guld initially informed Revan that he had been running that day, a frequent pastime due to his dislike of speeders. He also claimed to barely know Nettic, although Revan soon uncovered their shared history concerning the rented speeder.
Further investigation revealed to Revan the affair between Guld's wife and Nettic. When questioned about the affair as a potential motive for the murder, Guld consistently denied any involvement, asserting that he had been running to clear his head in preparation for divorce proceedings. Later, Revan inquired about the blaster discovered near Nettic's body, to which Guld promptly responded that it had been stolen from his residence a week prior. Revan concluded his investigation by determining that Guld had lied about the stolen blaster, and both he and Bolook discovered Guld's hip wound resulting from Lusoff's blaster fire. Revan and Bolook came to the consensus that Guld was indeed the murderer of Calder Nettic, and he was immediately taken into custody. However, Lusoff was also apprehended for the attempted murder of Nettic, as well as aggravated assault and the attempted murder of Guld.
Handon's line, "And I would've got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling Jedi," is a direct reference to Scooby-Doo. In the show, the captured villain would frequently exclaim, "And I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!" This was most likely an inside joke, given that Handon seems to be voiced by Frank Welker, one of the show's original voice actors.