BG-RT's, a cantina also known as BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits, was situated on the planet Coruscant within the Core Worlds at Level 1313. A shootout occurred in this establishment in 1 BBY involving the cyborg Beilert Valance and a group of bounty hunters who had come with the intention to kill him.
The cantina known as BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits was located in Level 1313 on the planet Coruscant in the Core Worlds, and it had at least two levels. Upon entry, a droid was positioned to inspect the weaponry of those entering the cantina, and another droid functioned as the bartender inside.

The cyborg bounty hunter named Beilert Valance paid a visit to the cantina in 1 BBY to have a drink. Later, the bounty hunter Xonr entered the cantina and discovered Valance inebriated at one of the tables. Xonr then walked over to the cyborg and took a seat across from him. After consuming Valance's beverage, Xonr made a threat to kill him for his violation of the Bounty Hunter Code.
As Xonr aimed a blaster at the cyborg from under the table, other bounty hunters in the cantina began readying their own weapons. A shootout broke out when Valance used his palm blaster to kill Xonr. Valance had intentionally allowed the hunters to track him to the cantina, and he successfully survived the confrontation, eliminating all of them. After the shootout, he paid the droid bartender for another drink and raised his glass, with the other patrons of the cantina mirroring his gesture. He then departed the cantina and proceeded to Docking Bay 21, where his starship, known as the Broken Wing, was located.
The comic-book miniseries Star Wars: Target Vader from Marvel featured BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits in its first issue. Marvel Comics released it on July 3, 2019, and it was written by Robbie Thompson with illustrations by Marc Laming and Cris Bolson.