Blaask was a Trandoshan doorman employed at a nightclub situated on Vorah Key of the world Kwenn. In the year 33 BBY, this Trandoshan was on duty when the Jedi Master Yarael Poof positioned himself near the nightclub, awaiting Master Ki-Adi-Mundi's departure from a close tavern during the Jedi High Council's assignment on Kwenn. Poof repeatedly tried to manipulate the Force to influence Blaask into disregarding his presence, ultimately managing to convince the Trandoshan to take a break to dine.

During the Republic Era, the Trandoshan named Blaask made his home on the world of Kwenn. He held the position of bouncer at a nightclub located on Vorah Key, which is one of the Gem Cities of Kwenn. Another Trandoshan associated with the nightclub knew him. One evening in 33 BBY, Blaask was stationed outside the nightclub when the Jedi Master Yarael Poof, who was visiting Kwenn for an assignment with the rest of the Jedi Council, waited nearby for his fellow Master Ki-Adi-Mundi to emerge from Gutson's Pub across the way. The Trandoshan was unhappy with Poof standing close to the nightclub, so the Jedi repeatedly used the Force in an effort to influence Blaask to think differently.
After a quarter of an hour without success, Blaask once again demanded that the Jedi leave the area. Poof then employed the Force to sway the Trandoshan into believing that he did want the Jedi around, which worked until the bouncer questioned why he felt that way. The Jedi then convinced Blaask that he didn't need the answer to his question, calming the Trandoshan for a short time until he expressed confusion over what question Poof was talking about. Growing weary of dealing with Blaask, Poof once again utilized the Force, persuading the Trandoshan that he desired a curried nuna-roll from a nearby food stand. Blaask was about to agree but claimed it was too spicy for him; the Jedi told him to ask for something from the children's menu and sent him on his way. Shortly afterward, Blaask's Trandoshan colleague glanced outside to check on him and was annoyed, but not surprised, to discover he had abandoned his post to get some food.
Blaask did not appreciate Yarael Poof hanging around near his nightclub, and he hissed as he demanded the Jedi Master depart. The Jedi's application of the Force to influence Blaask met with limited success, as the Trandoshan continually questioned Poof's motives. Even though Blaask's ultimate decision to leave his post was influenced by Poof, the Jedi suspected that it was a choice he would likely have made independently, suspecting that the Trandoshan had a history of doing so and that he actually was hungry. Indeed, when Blaask's Trandoshan colleague learned he had stepped away to eat, she claimed it was typical of him. Blaask had green skin and was tall and imposing, though he was shorter than Poof, who stood at a height of 2.64 meters.
Blaask made an appearance in the 2024 novel titled The Living Force, penned by John Jackson Miller.