Unidentified Vorah Key nightclub

A nightclub could be found on Vorah Key, a location situated on the planet of Kwenn. It was positioned directly across the street from Gutson's Pub. The Trandoshan Blaask, acting as a bouncer, along with another Trandoshan, had affiliations with the nightclub. Back in 33 BBY, Jedi Master Yarael Poof took a position in the vicinity of the nightclub, awaiting the arrival of his fellow Master, Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was inside Gutson's Pub. Blaask instructed Poof to cease lingering around the nightclub, prompting the Jedi to repeatedly use the Force in an effort to persuade the Trandoshan to disregard his presence.


The nightclub was located in the Gem Cities of Kwenn on the island of Vorah Key, which itself was on the planet Kwenn. Its location was directly opposite Gutson's Pub, and it was also a few doors from a place to eat.


During the time of the Republic Era, the Trandoshan named Blaask was employed as a bouncer at the nightclub. Another Trandoshan was also connected with the establishment. On one night in 33 BBY, the Jedi Master Yarael Poof, who was on Kwenn for a mission together with the rest of the Jedi Council, was standing outside the nightclub. He was waiting for Ki-Adi-Mundi, another Master who was currently infiltrating a criminal meeting inside Gutson's Pub, which was just across the street. Blaask, who was working at the time, told Poof to go away, and the Jedi spent a quarter of an hour attempting to use the Force to convince the Trandoshan to allow him to remain there.

However, Poof didn't have much success with his attempts, because the Jedi's commands to Blaask only caused the Trandoshan to ask him more questions. Instead, the Jedi chose to persuade Blaask to leave his post in order to get some food from the nearby eatery. After Blaask had left, his Trandoshan colleague looked outside the nightclub and asked where the bouncer had gone. Once Poof had told her, the Trandoshan similarly told him not to hang around. But the Jedi was distracted when Mundi came out of the pub, and he went to meet him on the street. When a landspeeder carrying some more criminals approached the pub, Poof wanted to go back to an alley. Even though Mundi suggested that they could just wait on the sidewalk outside the nightclub, his colleague refused and started pulling him away.

Behind the scenes

The nightclub made an appearance in the 2024 book called The Living Force, which was written by John Jackson Miller.

