Located on the planet Quethold within the Unknown Regions, the Black City represented one of the three cities that the Quesoth species called home on an irregular basis. The Black City, governed by the Quesoth Queen of the Black, housed the Stromma diplomatic enclave on its outskirts; here, Lhagva, a stormtrooper belonging to the Empire of the Hand's Stromma contingent, resided for a period of two years. Following the arrival of the Red City's inhabitants at the White City, they dwelled there for eighteen years before journeying to the Black City, where their stay lasted until the Queen of the Black's death.
In 8 ABY, the stormtrooper Lhagva expressed a desire to free the Red City from the dominion of the alien warlord Nuso Esva; despite the Stromma Council Liaison's decision to recall all Stromma personnel from Imperial duty, Lhagva declined to comply, as he held the Quesoth in high regard, and spoke fondly of his time at the Black City.