Blowback Town existed on Jakku, a planet characterized by its desert landscape. Approximately three decades following the Battle of Endor, the Blarina merchant known as Ohn Gos conducted business within the town's limits; when Naka Iit, a Blarina scavenger, discovered Poe Dameron, a Resistance pilot who had become lost in the desert, he consented to transport Dameron to Blowback Town using his speeder. The intent was for Dameron to secure off-world transportation through Gos's services. However, during their journey, the Strus clan, a group of criminals, ambushed them. Dameron managed to evade the attackers, thereby earning Iit's appreciation. Consequently, Iit pledged to assist Dameron by speaking with Gos in Blowback to guarantee Dameron's departure from the planet. Shortly thereafter, the pilot successfully departed Jakku.
The novelization of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, penned by Alan Dean Foster and launched in 2015 alongside the movie's release, marked the initial mention of Blowback Town. Despite its absence from the film itself, this article treats the town as canon due to the fact that its mention in the novel does not conflict with the events portrayed in the movie.