Bofa Treat Gang bunker

The Bofa Treat Gang's bunker functioned as the central hub for the Bofa Treat Gang during the Galactic Civil War. This base of operations was situated on the planet Corellia, specifically within the Vella plains region, in close proximity to the city of Kor Vella.


Lucien Bender, the leader of the Bofa Treat Gang in the bunker.

Lucien Bender commanded the Bofa Treat Gang. He was an unhinged scientist whose offspring, Hraykken, Draykken, and Louis Bender, fled his mistreatment and established a competing group named the Meatlumps. Following the Battle of Yavin, Lucien Bender offered a bounty for the capture of his three sons. However, he failed to recognize that a much larger bounty had been placed on him and his organization. In 1 ABY, Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter, apprehended Louis Bender, intending to coerce Hraykken and Draykken into dealing with Lucien so that Bossk could claim the more substantial reward. However, a spacer allied with the Meatlump gang appeared at Bossk's camp not far from the Bofa Treat Gang's bunker. Bossk then compelled the Meatlump to eliminate the Bofa Treat Gang and their leader in exchange for Louis Bender's freedom. The spacer then infiltrated the bunker, battling through its defenses until he finally located Lucien deep within the hideout. The adventurer confronted Lucien Bender and ultimately killed him.

Behind the scenes

The Bofa Treat Gang bunker appeared as a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, prior to the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. The Bofa Treat Gang bunker was integrated into the game via "Game Update 10," which was launched on June 2, 2009.

