The Bothan fade represented a strategic maneuver employed by naval forces, wherein a feigned, disorganized retreat was executed to lure adversaries into a vulnerable position, setting them up for a concealed assault.
During the Battle of Qoribu around 35 ABY, the Chiss military, led by Commander Jagged Fel, endeavored to implement this strategy to entice Prime Unu UnuThul and his Colony forces into a prepared ambush. Although UnuThul initially remained unaware of the deception, Partial Joiners Jaina Solo and Zekk subsequently alerted him, prompting the Great Swarm to halt their chase and consolidate their forces under the southern pole, thereby nullifying the effectiveness of the Bothan fade. Furthermore, Jedi belonging to the New Jedi Order received instruction on the Bothan fade as part of their tactical education at the Jedi Praxeum situated on Yavin 4.