Boulo Siesi

Boulo Siesi, an artist of the Bith species and female gender, plied her trade during the Galactic Civil War era. Siesi made her home in the town of Wayfar on the Outer Rim world of Tatooine around 1 ABY. It was there that she brought forth three artistic creations: Golden Petals 1, 2, and 3. The Museum of Tatooine, under the guidance of curator Lilas Dinhint, subsequently showcased all of these paintings.


During the Galactic Civil War, a significant struggle between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, there lived a female Bith artist known as Boulo Siesi. Around 1 ABY, following the Battle of Yavin, Siesi was often seen near the cantina in Wayfar, a town situated on the Outer Rim Territories planet of Tatooine. In this setting, she crafted three paintings, titled Golden Petals 1, Golden Petals 2, and Golden Petals 3, each presenting a subtly different abstract interpretation of flower petals.

Meanwhile, curator Lilas Dinhint managed the Museum of Tatooine in Bestine, Tatooine's Imperial capital. The museum was the only one of its kind on the planet. Dinhint aimed to enrich the museum's offerings by introducing novel exhibits. Consequently, a select group of artists, including Boulo Siesi, Vanvi Hotne, Giaal Itotr, Kahfr Oladi, Klepa Laeel, and Kolka Zteht, were considered for the opportunity to display their artwork in Bestine. However, Siesi needed enough votes to outshine her fellow artists in order to have her paintings featured. Every thirty days, Lilas Dinhint organized a Bestine Museum art competition, with a fifteen-day voting period for individuals to support their preferred artist.

Throughout her artistic career, Siesi encountered numerous spacers, many of whom cast their votes in her favor. Siesi emerged victorious in these art competitions on multiple occasions, granting her the chance to showcase her paintings in Bestine's museum for a thirty-day duration. During these exhibitions, the corrupt curator Dinhint offered schematics of Siesi's artworks in exchange for a "modest donation" of 48,000 credits. This enabled architecturally-inclined furniture makers and traders to produce and distribute copies of Siesi's paintings for purchase, collection, or personal display.

Personality and traits

Boulo Siesi possessed pink skin and black-colored eyes. She held a philosophical perspective on life, believing that individuals needed to broaden their minds to truly perceive the world around them. She tended to be somewhat unwelcoming to those she considered narrow-minded. She strongly opposed the use of alcohol or spice as a means of altering one's mental state, advocating instead for openness to new ways of experiencing the galaxy. Siesi specialized in creating abstract paintings of common subjects, focusing not on replicating their appearance but on using their shapes to discover higher art.


During her time as an artist in Wayfar, Siesi typically wore a grayish-brown sports wrap shirt along with a pleated skirt. Her footwear consisted of a pair of gray hide boots.

Behind the scenes

Boulo Siesi existed as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. She was incorporated into the game on February 11, 2004 as a component of Publish 6 The Imperial Crackdown. This update introduced a new Bestine Museum event, where players could vote for various NPC artists to have their paintings exhibited in the museum. Boulo Siesi was among these artists, and players who wished to vote for her were required to first interact with her in Wayfar. If Siesi received the most votes, one of her paintings – either Golden Petals 1, 2, or 3 – would be displayed for approximately one month. Players could then purchase schematics of the paintings for 48,000 credits during a two week period. The winning artist depended on the player's choices. However, given that the competitions occurred monthly, this article operates under the assumption of 100% game completion, suggesting that Boulo Siesi secured the right to display her paintings on at least several occasions.

