
Bowspritz was a Jedi Master of the Tynnan species, a well-known biologist, and the beast master at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the years leading up to the Ruusan Reformation. Bowspritz left an indelible mark on the Jedi Order, contributing a wealth of research during their long service, and achieved lasting recognition in the Order by authoring several chapters for the Temple's guidebook, The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force. Through this enduring text, Master Bowspritz imparted knowledge about the diverse species of the galaxy, leaving a significant legacy for future generations of Jedi.


Bowspritz entered the Jedi Order in their youth, becoming a Padawan prior to the commencement of the New Sith Wars. During their time as an apprentice to a Jedi Master, the young Jedi devoted a month to the study of the needler crabs native to Jodaka, updating the outdated information housed in the Jedi Archives with the newly acquired data. Furthermore, Bowspritz identified and named the o'cerrys of Alchenaut, after discovering a dormant exogorth in the depths of space. Like many Jedi of that period, Master Bowspritz served the Order in the Army of Light during the campaigns against the Brotherhood of Darkness, despite their background as a student of the Jedi Consular path. Following the implementation of the Ruusan Reformations, Master Bowspritz resumed their biological and cultural studies at the Temple.

On one occasion, Bowspritz's interactions with a group of Squibs were instrumental in averting several unfavorable outcomes. However, Bowspritz later recalled that these dealings with the Squibs put a certain amount of pressure on the Temple's credit allocation. Bowspritz was bestowed with the title of beastmaster in recognition of their extensive research into the Force's influence on galactic wildlife. During a mission to the Exploration Corps outpost on Ord Canfre, Master Bowspritz had their first encounter with an akk dog and gained insight into the Force's role in the bonds formed between these creatures and their trainers.

When Bowspritz's fellow Masters proposed the creation of a guidebook for Jedi life, the biologist agreed to contribute to the project, writing three chapters. Master Bowspritz's chapters, focusing on galactic bestiary, culture, and politics, offered insights from their perspective as both a biologist and a Consular, intended to serve as a foundation for the study of relationships with diverse species, both sentient and non-sentient, Force-sensitive and enigmatic.

Behind the scenes

Although it was not included in the final published version, Daniel Wallace, the author of The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, made public a list specifying the genders and species of each of the authors of the in-universe book The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force. According to this list, Master Bowspritz is a male Tynnan hailing from the planet Tynna.


Notes and references

  • The Jedi Path. (Now you too can actually pretend with slightly more accuracy that you're a Jedi!) on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by Dan_Wallace on 10/25/10 1:50pm) (backup link)
