Jedi Biologist

Within the ranks of the Jedi Order, a specialized role existed for those Jedi Researchers who dedicated their studies to the biology of various alien species. This role was known as Jedi Biologist. One such individual was Jedi Master Bowspritz, who in 990 BBY, authored two sections for The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, a guidebook designed for Jedi trainees, detailing numerous species found throughout the galaxy.


By 990 BBY, the title of Jedi Biologist was already established within the Jedi Order. It was a designation given to Jedi Consulars who had achieved the rank of Jedi Researcher. These Jedi focused their efforts on researching the biology of various alien species, regardless of their level of sentience. Similar to other Jedi Researchers, they contributed to the expansion and refinement of the knowledge held within the Order's Jedi Archives.


Jedi Biologist Bowspritz authored two sections for the book The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.

In the year 990 of the BBY calendar system, the Tynnan Jedi Master known as Bowspritz held the position of Jedi Biologist. Bowspritz, who had also earned the prestigious title of Jedi Beastmaster, possessed extensive knowledge of the Living Force, a specific aspect of the Force, and he found his chosen field of xenobiology to be incredibly captivating.

Subsequently, Bowspritz took on the task of authoring two distinct sections for the guidebook The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, intended for Jedi trainees in 990 BBY. The initial section, aimed at Jedi Initiates, provided a concise introduction to the field of xenobiology by showcasing several non-sentient creatures inhabiting diverse environments throughout the galaxy.

The second section, designed for the more advanced Padawan learners within the Order, was divided into three parts. The first part offered a succinct overview of various sentient species commonly encountered within the Galactic Republic. The second part of Bowspritz's Padawan-oriented section highlighted a selection of species exhibiting resistance to various Force abilities, with the Jedi Biologist expressing that the shapeshifting Shi'ido and Polydroxol were among the most puzzling species he had encountered during his research. The final section of The Jedi Path contributed by Bowspritz covered a range of animal species that were Force-wielding. Elsewhere in the book, Jedi Seer Sabla-Mandibu mentioned that biologists, such as the "esteemed" Bowspritz, were included as Jedi Researchers.

Behind the scenes

Daniel Wallace originated the Jedi Biologist title for the reference book The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, which was initially released on September 28, 2010. It was first mentioned on July 18 of that year in a preview for the book on


Notes and references

  • Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: The Jedi Path (part 1 of 4) on Blogspot (backup link)
  • The Jedi Path. (Now you too can actually pretend with slightly more accuracy that you're a Jedi!) on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by Dan_Wallace on 10/25/10 1:50pm) (backup link)
