The Broken Wing was a specific location that materialized on the planet of Zeffo. This area came into existence when a severely damaged unidentified Venator-class Star Destroyer plummeted to the surface after sustaining heavy damage from a Separatist dreadnought during the Battle against a Separatist dreadnought. The crash resulted in the formation of three distinct zones, with the Broken Wing being one of them.
Access to the Broken Wing was achieved by navigating through the Crash Site. This led to a corridor that opened into a sizable central chamber. Within this chamber was a Hologram of an Unidentified Clone Commander relaying information about the ship's condition to Jedi General [Chiata]. This large chamber also featured a staircase, which ascended to a massive turbine. By 14 BBY, this turbine was the lair of a Rabid Jotaz.
During 14 BBY, Cal Kestis ventured into this area and encountered the Rabid Jotaz. The creature attacked him, prompting Cal Kestis to engage in combat, ultimately killing the beast.
A fractured pathway encircled the large turbine, providing passage to a lengthy hallway that culminated in a spacious room. Within this room was an entrance to a submerged corridor, which in turn led to an electric field that could be deactivated. In the area with the electric field was a dead clone trooper, a casualty of the unidentified Venator's crash. The electric field area also housed an elevator that ascended to an observation deck positioned near the large turbine (where the Rabid Jotaz resided by 14 BBY). It was from this location that the clone commander received a transmission from the Supreme Chancellor to initiate Order 66. The Clone Commander would later be killed by a lightsaber wielded by one of the Jedi in the vicinity of the Broken Wing. By 14 BBY, plant life, including the Skungus, had begun to colonize the area.
In 14 BBY, Cal Kestis happened upon the location while en route to the Imperial Dig Site situated nearby.
The location's inaugural appearance was in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, developed by Respawn Entertainment and published under the banner of Electronic Arts.