Butcherbugs were a type of insect species that originated from the swamps of the planet Dagobah. Jedi Grand Master Yoda, while in exile on Dagobah, frequently encountered butcherbugs and other swamp creatures entering his hut. He permitted all but the most poisonous creatures to remain and provide him with company.
The butcherbug was a small arachnid that was native to the world of Dagobah. Butcherbugs, being about the size of a human fingernail, were not particularly dangerous individually. However, these insects had the potential to be extremely lethal. Their silk, after it hardened, became incredibly sharp, and any creature that collided with the web would not be captured, but instead torn apart. A humanoid could even sustain serious injuries from these webs if they were caught moving at a high speed. The butcherbug also had green chitin covering its body.
The initial mention of Butcherbugs occurred in The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, a Star Wars Legends reference book featuring concept art created by Ralph McQuarrie accompanied by text written by Kevin J. Anderson, which was published in 1995. The species' status as canon was confirmed with its inclusion in the reference book Ultimate Star Wars, which was published during 2015.
- Ultimate Star Wars (First mentioned)
- Nexus of Power
- Star Wars: Complete Locations
- Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
- Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
- Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy