The Carbonite Run, a hyperspace route, traversed the Deep Core and the Interior regions of the galaxy, specifically within the Koros sector. Within the [Empress Teta system](/article/empress_teta_system], the planet Empress Teta was a key point on this route. Situated in Standard Galactic Grid square L-10, the planet served as a nexus, connecting the Carbonite Run to both the Byss Run and the Koros Trunk Line.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, under the rule of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, access to the Deep Core was heavily restricted. The Emperor mandated that only starships sanctioned by the Bureau of Ships and Services or the Imperial Security Bureau could enter this region. Hyperspace travel was limited to jumps between only two star systems at a time, requiring travelers to report to Imperial authorities and update their navigation data. This control was maintained by the Hyperspace Security Net, utilizing gravitic mines along established hyperlanes and interdictors stationed at strategic locations. The official explanation cited the volatile nature of the Deep Core, with its unpredictable anomalies and dangerous charted routes due to the constantly shifting stars. However, this also concealed the Emperor's secret operations and hidden assets within the Deep Core.
Within the established Star Wars canon, the Carbonite Run received a mention in Nexus of Power, a 2016 sourcebook for the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game, which was released by Fantasy Flight Games. The route initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity. It was referenced in "Byss and the Deep Core Part 2: Empress Teta," a 2005 article for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game authored by Rodney Thompson and published by Wizards of the Coast.