Bureau of Ships and Services

The organization known as the Bureau of Ships and Services (with the abbreviation BoSS), alternatively referred to as the Imperial Bureau of Ships and Services (IBSS) during the Galactic Empire's reign, was established millennia prior to the Clone Wars. This bureau was responsible for maintaining a register of starship transponders alongside pilot licensing. Although technically a private entity, it maintained confidential communication channels with the Galactic Republic and collaborated with both customs and law enforcement agencies in order to uphold the security and integrity of hyperspace routes.

During the era of the Empire, Han Solo registered himself as the captain of the Graphite Skipper, which was actually the Millennium Falcon. Furthermore, he registered under the assumed name of Roaky Laamu as the captain of the Sunfighter Franchise.

The bureau deemed the hyperspace routes in the vicinity of Jakku to be below the necessary standards for safe passage.

The records of the Bureau of Ships and Services indicate that the initial owner of the [Libertine](/article/libertine) was Valis of Kuhlvult, a Kuati diplomat who originally named the ship the Steadfast. Subsequently, the Steadfast was renamed to the Libertine and came under the ownership of Korfé Bennux-Ai, a wealthy individual born on Celanon who held a high-ranking management position within the Sienar-Jaemus corporation. In 34 ABY, the Libertine was commandeered by DJ, an unscrupulous criminal and slicer, and subsequently utilized by Rose Tico, Finn, and BB-8.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of the Bureau of Ships and Services in the new Star Wars canon occurred within Rey's Survival Guide, a publication authored by Jason Fry and made available in 2015.

In an interview, Alden Ehrenreich discussed the research he undertook in preparation for his role as Han Solo in Solo: A Star Wars Story, mentioning that he consulted articles on Wookieepedia, and specifically noted the Bureau of Ships and Services, among other topics.

