Cassa Hun, a male Twi'lek Jedi Master, dedicated himself to the service of both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. His service occurred during the period of the Cold War with the opposing Sith Empire. During his tenure at the Republic Navy base, Carrick Station, and on the Republic's capital world, Coruscant, Hun mentored young Jedi Knights, guiding them toward becoming either Jedi Sentinels or Jedi Guardians.
Cassa Hun, a Twi'lek Jedi Master, was a servant of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic throughout the Cold War against the Sith Empire. He frequently traveled between the Republic Navy's station, Carrick Station, and the Republic's capital planet, Coruscant. On Carrick Station, Nimi, his friend and another Jedi Master, would often direct newly arriving Jedi Knights to seek out the Twi'lek Jedi for training to become either a Jedi Sentinel or a Jedi Guardian. Hun would instruct these Knights regarding the two different training paths. He would also often provide his students with an extra lightsaber if they chose to become a Sentinel, or additional armor if they took the path of the Guardian. One such student, in 3643 BBY, was the former apprentice of Jedi Master Orgus Din. This newly-Knighted Jedi spoke with Hun on either Coruscant or Carrick Station shortly after leaving the Jedi Order's homeworld of Tython.
Cassa Hun, a male Lethan Twi'lek, possessed pinkish-red skin and green eyes. This Jedi typically wore tan robes and carried a single lightsaber. Preferring to speak Twi'leki rather than Galactic Basic Standard, he applied his understanding of Jedi training and philosophy while guiding the Order's young Knights.
Cassa Hun's initial appearance was in the BioWare computer game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where he served as the Advanced Class Trainer for the Jedi Knight. He can be found on both Carrick Station and Coruscant, however, because the player receives the "Advanced Training" mission on the space station, this article presumes that Hun met with the player on Carrick Station. When the player speaks with Hun, they decide whether to pursue the Guardian or Sentinel advanced class, and then receive the corresponding gear. Both locations where Hun appears are noted in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, released alongside the game in 2011. Hun, along with the other Advanced Class Trainers, was removed via Game Update 5.0 on November 29, 2016. This occurred when advanced classes became available during character creation, instead of at level 10.