Nimi was a Mirialan Jedi Master of the male gender who provided service to the Jedi Order during the Cold War era. This conflict was between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Sporting olive-skinned complexion and being mostly without hair, Nimi kept what little black hair they possessed tied in a bun at the back of their head. Possessing blue eyes and black facial tattoos, they typically donned tan and white robes. Being an associate of Master Orgus Din, Nimi's location was Carrick Station in 3643 BBY when Din's former Padawan—recently promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight—made their way onto the space station. Nimi engaged in a discussion regarding the Jedi's capabilities with the Knight, yet suggested that the Jedi should pick between two paths: the way of the Jedi Sentinel or that of the Jedi Guardian. Acknowledging the advantages of both specializations, Nimi advised the Knight to seek out Master Cassa Hun to get additional instruction. Nimi also dedicated time on Coruscant, the Republic's capital.
The mission titled "Advanced Training: Jedi Knight" is initiated by Nimi for those Jedi Knight gamers who have just finished the planet of Tython in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game from 2011. Nimi is present on both Carrick Station and Coruscant, but this text assumes the player interacted with Nimi at the earliest possible opportunity.