Catronus Steffans

Catronus Steffans held the position of Defense Ministry Director for Public Information within the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars. In this capacity, he offered public statements on various topics related to the conflict with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, and also received daily briefings covering diverse aspects of the ongoing war. Steffans' words frequently appeared in news publications like the Taris Holofeed and The Admiral's List. Throughout the initial years of the war, Steffans released official statements and conducted news conferences addressing significant developments. Following the early deadlock on the Outer Rim world of Suurja, Steffans' comments were featured in the Taris Holofeed. Later, as the war expanded beyond the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line and reached the densely populated planet Taris, Steffans conducted a press conference during a Mandalorian siege. After the Mandalorians devastated the Republic planet Serroco using nuclear bombs, he vehemently condemned the "horrific crime" and labeled Mandalore the Ultimate as an "abomination."


Catronus Steffans, a male, served as the Defense Ministry Director for Public Information for the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars era. Beginning in 3976 BBY, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders originating from the outer reaches of known space initiated the conquest of worlds located in the distant Outer Rim Territories, eventually engaging with the Republic in 3964 BBY. By this time, Steffans had risen to a prominent position within the Republic's defense apparatus and made himself accessible to news outlets for commentary on military matters. In that particular year, a Mandalorian offensive in the Outer Rim was checked at the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line, a defensive perimeter established by Republic Navy Captain Saul Karath. Following four consecutive inconclusive battles on the planet Suurja, Steffans informed the Taris Holofeed that these events demonstrated the effectiveness of the defensive line and signaled an impending Republic counterattack. Furthermore, Steffans addressed the recent controversy within the Jedi Order regarding participation in the war, affirming that the Republic valued its relationship with the Jedi and would support the Order in all its endeavors.

During the subsequent year, Steffans' remarks were featured in an edition of The Admiral's List concerning a disagreement over the status of fringers and freelance tradesbeings within naval units—Admiral Noma Sommos of the Republic had lodged a complaint about them following recent incidents in the Outer Rim. Steffans refrained from taking sides in the dispute, instead stating that the fundamental question was whether the Republic would sacrifice its renowned commercial opportunities in the name of military spending. Later that year, the Mandalorian Wars escalated significantly—the planet Serroco suffered devastation from Mandalorian nuclear bombs, and Taris itself was subjected to a protracted siege. In the wake of the bombing of Serroco, Steffans delivered a remote press conference concerning the planet's destruction. Steffans also managed to comment on the attack on Taris, stating that the crises on Taris and Serroco represented the kind of significant challenges that allowed the true spirit of the Republic to flourish. This press conference was covered in an edition of the Taris Holofeed. In a later edition of The Admiral's List, Steffans expressed his shock, horror, and outrage regarding the attack on Serroco and, with densely populated worlds such as Telerath, Ralltiir, and Arkania potentially threatened by the Mandalorians, indicated that future Republic military strategy was under review.

Later that year, Arkoh Adasca, the leader of the Republic-aligned corporation The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania, also known as Adascorp, was killed during a reported attack on his shuttle, the Arkanian Legacy, by Mandalorians. Although details of the incident were scarce at the time, Steffans released a statement regarding Adasca's death. While assuring the public that medical supplies and processed materials from Adascorp were continuing to reach the Republic, Steffans remembered Adasca as a great and loyal citizen of the Republic, and expressed his expectation that a productive relationship between the Republic and Adascorp would persist well into the future.

At a later stage of the war, Steffans, in his capacity as Defense Ministry Director of Public Information, received a daily brief on military developments from the Defense Ministry Joint Operations Information Office. This brief, which included information on Mandalorian activities on Taris and Myrkr, along with updates on events within the Jedi Order and the production of war materials, also provided policy recommendations from the Information Office.

Personality and traits

As the official spokesperson for the Republic Defense Ministry, Catronus Steffans consistently presented a pro-Republic perspective in his public pronouncements. In his on-the-record statements regarding the Mandalorian Wars, he consistently championed the Republic's cause. Steffans demonstrated an ability to convey a message of hope even during challenging circumstances, as evidenced by his press conference amidst the siege of Taris. He also delivered a considerable amount of vehement anti-Mandalorian rhetoric, particularly following the devastation of Serroco, which he described as "shocking and abhorrent," and referring to Mandalore the Ultimate himself as an "abomination." Early in the Mandalorian Wars, Steffans expressed considerable optimism regarding the Republic's military progress—for instance, following the stalemate on Suurja, Steffans predicted that the recent success of the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line would soon lead to a Republic counteroffensive. Beyond purely military considerations, Steffans emphasized the importance of the commercial opportunities fostered by the Republic as a key principle for which it was fighting.

Behind the scenes

The character of Catronus Steffans was referenced through quotations but never made a direct appearance in several issues of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book series. Steffans' words were first featured in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, an in-universe news report included on the final page of Knights of the Old Republic 0. Steffans was subsequently mentioned in several more of these in-universe reports in later issues of the series.

