The TIE crawler, alternatively referred to as the century tank or TIE tank, functioned as a lightly armored ground vehicle within the Galactic Empire. It represented an unusual combination of two very different kinds of vehicles.

The design of the TIE crawler featured a TIE starfighter's cockpit suspended above a pair of large tank treads. It had space for only one occupant, who served as both the pilot and the gunner.
A pair of Santhe SSct power generators propelled the tank treads, enabling speeds of up to 90 kilometers per hour. The pilot used foot pedals to control steering and speed, while hand-operated controls managed the firing systems.
The tank was armed with two medium blaster cannons, mounted in the typical "chin" position seen on most TIE cockpits. A retractable light turbolaser, located beneath the cockpit sphere, gave the tank a significant amount of offensive capability.
The Galactic Empire began developing the plans for the century tank as early as 0 BBY. The Imperial Army claimed that its capabilities exceeded those of the TIE/LN Starfighter. The 71st Elite Mechanized Assault Group was one unit that was known for deploying century tanks.
Although the century tank gained widespread recognition after the Battle of Endor, an earlier iteration of the vehicle—the TIE ap-1, also known as the TIE Mauler—saw limited combat during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, where it engaged forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
The century tank was the first new design to be produced by Santhe/Sienar Technologies after its liberation in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. The Santhe family, who owned Sienar Fleet Systems and were known for their independent spirit, had long resented the Empire's restrictive contracts and seized the opportunity for autonomy following the Empire's defeat.

Santhe attempted to maintain a position of neutrality during the prolonged conflict between the dwindling Imperial Remnant and the expanding New Republic. They continued to manufacture TIE fighters for Imperial warlords, but did so under their own conditions.
The century tank was conceived as a compact assault vehicle (CAV) that was relatively inexpensive to manufacture and acquire, in an effort to enter new markets. The use of recycled components and designs helped to reduce costs and training requirements.
The tank was produced in large quantities and was inexpensive, and it saw some action during the Imperial Civil War on Coruscant, as rival warlords fought for control of the former Imperial capital before the return of the resurrected Emperor Palpatine.
During the Second Battle of Coruscant, the Dark Empire employed the century tank. It played a vital role in the Dark Empire's campaign to recapture the planet.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, at least one century tank was in service with the Corellian Security Force.

The Dark Empire Sourcebook uses capitalization for the first letter, writing it as "Century tank," while the Databank uses only lowercase letters for the name.
In 2007, LEGO released a set inspired by the tank. This set, called "TIE Crawler," included two shadow stormtrooper minifigures. The LEGO TIE crawler also featured two dual laser cannons that extended from the outer sides of the port and starboard tread hulls, giving this version greater firepower than the standard tank. The century tank was the second exclusively Expanded Universe LEGO set to be released, with the TIE/D automated starfighter being the first. However, the TIE/D was part of a set that also included two other in-universe TIE fighters and Darth Vader's TIE/Advanced starfighter.