The Void, alternatively referred to as Chaos, was a mythological location synonymous with disarray. Sometimes called Hell, it implied a disagreeable existence after death—deck officer Tigran Jamiro once told Han Solo that he would likely perish from death due to the cold on Hoth's frozen landscapes, before Solo's rescue of Luke Skywalker, resulting in Solo's retort, "Then we'll see you in Hell!" The expression also functioned as an expletive, for example, when clone trooper CT-782 "Hevy" questioned, "What the hell was that?" following a Rishi eel's fatal attack on CT-4040 "Cutup" located on the Rishi Moon, and when "Hevy" boasted about eliminating a droid commando, prompting CT-1409 "Echo" to reply "Like hell you did." Owen Lars once warned Luke that if the units in the south range weren't repaired by midday, "or there'll be hell to pay." After wriggling free of her restraints and escaping aboard Polan GX-8's escape ship, Mae-ho Aniseya says to Jedi Master Sol, "See you in hell, Jedi."
A Naboo legend describes Chaos as a chasm restrained by six powerful barriers. Directly alluding to this narrative, the seemingly bottomless interior of Theed's power generator was secured behind six laser gates.
The term "Chaos" initially appeared in the Legends novel Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, where Darth Vader exclaimed in anger to Captain Antilles, "Chaos take your mission!" The phrase "hell" was initially uttered in the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
In Greek mythology, Chaos is analogous to Tartarus, the Greek equivalent of Hell; additionally it is the original void of the cosmos prior to creation. It also signifies the ancient goddess bearing the same name (Kaos/Χαος in Greek, sometimes rendered as Kháos, with Chaos being the standard English spelling).