Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures 4

Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures Number 4 represented the fourth installment in the Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures comic book series.

These specific Classic publications consisted of revamped and colorized reproductions of the Star Wars daily comic strip created by Russ Manning.

Publisher's synopsis

Rebel Command instructs Luke Skywalker to discontinue his reconnaissance mission. It appears that the emergence of unauthorized transport capsules has aligned with the annihilation of Rebel outposts, and one such capsule has touched down—on Tatooine! Luke is compelled to go back to his home world, now a vibrant center of commerce and a breeding ground for rebellion, to uncover how the Empire is gaining knowledge of the concealed Rebel installations. He uncovers the solution, but will it lead to his demise?


  • Tatooine Sojourn

Included within

  • Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures (TPB)
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Newspaper Strips Vol. 1

Cover images

Additional information

  • Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures #4 on Dark Horse Comics' official site (archived link)
