This is how Jaden Korr used the Force in 41.5 ABY. Following his victory over the Kam Solusar clone Alpha, Jaden acquired Alpha's unstable red lightsaber and resolved to make it his own weapon. Because he was hesitant to use a red crystal and didn't want a substandard weapon, Korr took out the crystal and purified it, thereby stabilizing the blade and transforming its color from red to yellow. The color change was particularly satisfying for Jaden, as a yellow blade was typically linked to Jedi Sentinels, who found equilibrium between Force powers and lightsaber combat, a balance that suited Jaden's fighting style exceptionally well. Marr Idi-Shael and Khedryn Faal were astonished when Jaden demonstrated his achievement, with Faal even questioning why Jaden couldn't similarly rid the Community clones of their flaws, just as he had done with the crystal.