Cleansing of Tatooine

In the year 3993 BBY, during the Jedi Order's Great Hunt, a Jedi squad including Knights Duron Qel-Droma, Shaela Nuur, Guun Han Saresh, and Cale Berkona journeyed to Tatooine with the purpose of tracking down terentatek beasts, remnants from the earlier conflict known as the Great Sith War. This Jedi group had proven themselves as the Jedi Order's finest after successfully completing missions on several planets throughout the galaxy. After battling several terentateks in a secluded region of Tatooine's vast desert, the Jedi eliminated all but one of their targets. The remaining terentatek was pursued by the Jedi into a cave, where the beast ultimately caused the death of one of the Jedi team. Undeterred, the surviving Jedi dispatched the final terentatek and incinerated the corpses on a large pyre.


Following the conclusion of the Great Sith War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith faction under the command of Sith Lords Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, numerous monstrosities created by the Sith were scattered across the galaxy. Although the Sith had been vanquished, creatures like silan, Sith wyrms, and especially the ferocious and extremely dangerous terentatek, continued to represent a significant danger to both the Jedi Order and the general population. As a response, the Jedi High Council orchestrated the Great Hunt, a cooperative effort by the Jedi with the goal of eradicating these beasts wherever they roamed.

During this Great Hunt, one particular Jedi team, composed of Humans Duron Qel-Droma, Shaela Nuur, and Cale Berkona, along with the Twi'lek Guun Han Saresh, distinguished itself as the most skilled group of hunters within the Jedi Order. This group journeyed to worlds such as Onderon, Yavin 4, and Tython, systematically eliminating terentateks along their path. In 3993 BBY, they turned their attention to the desert planet of Tatooine.

The cleansing

The Jedi followed a number of terentateks into a remote section of Tatooine's desert, killing several and eventually pursuing the last survivor into a cave. However, before the team could effectively attack the creature, their target eliminated one of the Jedi who had guided the team into the cave. Remaining determined, the Jedi group intensified their efforts. Qel-Droma employed a mental Force power to disorient the terentatek, enabling Saresh, Nuur, and Berkona to engage the beast in close combat. The terentatek was swiftly overwhelmed and killed, and the remains of the Jedi team's targets were burned on a large pyre.


The Jedi High Council officially concluded the Great Hunt five days after the successful operation on Tatooine. However, the Council chose Qel-Droma, Saresh, and Nuur—who had proven their abilities on Tatooine and other planets—for a covert mission to purge terentateks from Korriban, the homeworld of the Sith. On Korriban, the group disbanded, and Saresh departed to hunt a terentatek rumored to be on the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk. Saresh perished in his undertaking, while Qel-Droma and Nuur both fell in Korriban's Valley of the Dark Lords.

Behind the scenes

The Great Hunt incident on Tatooine was initially depicted in "Shadows and Light," a story featured in Star Wars Tales 23, authored by Joshua Ortega, illustrated by Dustin Weaver, and released on May 11, 2005.

