Cale Berkona

Cale Berkona, a male Human, served as a Jedi Knight. He participated in the Great Hunt, a Jedi campaign intended to eliminate beasts created by the Sith from the galaxy in the years that followed the Great Sith War. During this Hunt, Berkona became part of a Jedi group that journeyed across the galaxy, engaging in combat with terentateks, perilous creatures that consumed Force-sensitive blood. In 3993 BBY, Berkona was involved in a hunt on the planet Tatooine, narrowly escaping a terentatek's grasp. Despite sustaining serious injuries and losing his lightsaber, Berkona survived and made his way back to the Jedi Enclave located on the planet Dantooine.


Cale Berkona, a Jedi Knight, was a male Human who lived in the years after the [Great Sith War](/article/great_sith_war-legends] concluded. Following the defeat of the Sith Empire in 3996 BBY, the Jedi Order initiated the Great Hunt, which was a campaign designed to purge creatures spawned by the Sith from the galaxy. During this period, Berkona joined a group of Jedi that included Humans Duron Qel-Droma and Shaela Nuur, together with the Twi'lek Guun Han Saresh. These Jedi began targeting terentateks, which were dangerous beasts created by the Sith that preyed on Force-sensitive blood. In 3993 BBY, Berkona participated with the group in a mission aimed at eradicating terentateks from the planet Tatooine. The Jedi discovered and eliminated several of these creatures, eventually tracking the last terentatek to a cave. Berkona and his allies ventured inside, where the terentatek briefly gained the advantage, resulting in the death of one of the hunters.

Berkona soon found himself ensnared by the terentatek, and his lightsaber was destroyed. Seemingly facing imminent death, Berkona recited a portion of the Jedi Code as he gazed into the monster's maw. However, Qel-Droma managed to confuse the beast using the Force, enabling Berkona to escape while Saresh and Nuur defeated the terentatek. The deceased terentateks were placed on a burning pyre, and Berkona, injured, was assisted by Saresh in limping back to the group's ship. By the time they returned to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, Berkona had to wear a metal cast on his left arm. There, Saresh informed Berkona that Qel-Droma, Nuur, and the Twi'lek had been personally chosen by the Jedi High Council to cleanse the Sith homeworld of Korriban of terentateks, a mission considered extremely dangerous. Berkona was initially surprised that the Council would assign them such a task, and Saresh expressed concerns that Qel-Droma and Nuur's strong feelings for each other might cause issues on Korriban.

Personality and traits

During the Great Hunt, Berkona showed a willingness to put himself at considerable risk to ensure the elimination of terentateks. He even found himself in the grasp of one on Tatooine. Berkona recognized Qel-Droma, Nuur, and Saresh as the most skilled hunters within the Jedi Order, but he was still taken aback when he learned that the Jedi Council would send the three alone to cleanse Korriban of terentateks. Berkona had fair skin, brown hair, and blue eyes.

Powers and abilities

Berkona had training in the Force, but he was regarded as one of the less proficient members of his hunting team, ranking behind Qel-Droma, Nuur, and Saresh. He sustained serious injuries from a terentatek on Tatooine.


Berkona carried a lightsaber with a blue blade, which was destroyed on Tatooine. He wore a tan shirt, brown trousers, and boots of a dark color. He also wore a cast on his arm for a period.

Behind the scenes

"Cale Berkona" on Flashpoint Station

Cale Berkona's initial appearance was in "Shadows and Light," a story featured in the comic Star Wars Tales 23, which was written by Joshua Ortega, illustrated by Dustin Weaver, and released on May 11, 2005. Since Shadows and Light did not include Berkona's name, Ortega first identified the character by name in a post on the Dark Horse Comics message boards.

Weaver later contributed the artwork for the comic Knights of the Old Republic 8, which was released on September 20, 2006. In a post on the Dark Horse message boards, he mentioned that he intended for one of the Jedi on Flashpoint Station in the story to be Berkona. However, Weaver clarified that the Jedi's identity as Berkona was only "unofficial." Because his presence on Flashpoint Station was never mentioned in another source, this article does not include it.

