Cloak of the Kursk

The Cloak of the Kursk represented a black garment. It was donned by the head of the Blackguard, a custom of the Force users. This leader bore the designation of Kursk. In the year 1 ABY, San'sii, the Kursk of the Blackguard at that time, met his end during the Blackguard Purge. His killers were spacers contracted by Mi Fon Lu, a Sullustan archaeologist. Lu's aim was to rid the Southern Jedi Ruins on the planet Mustafar of the Blackguard presence. The spacers, having slain San'sii, seized the Cloak as spoils.

Behind the scenes

The Kursk's cloak was initially introduced as an in-game item within the Trials of Obi-Wan expansion for the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, which debuted in 2005. One could only acquire the item by defeating San'sii, a formidable foe featured in the "An Archaeologist's Problem" quest. Subsequently, the cloak was depicted on San'sii's card in the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game expansion, Agents of Deception, which saw release in 2009.

