Southern Jedi Ruins

The Southern Jedi Ruins represented the remains of a Jedi Enclave. This enclave was situated on Mustafar, a planet located in the Smoking Forest region. Initially, the Jedi Order managed the enclave, but it was deserted before the Seventh Battle of Ruusan occurred during the New Sith Wars. Subsequently, the Dark Jedi known as Vulta Daanat discovered the abandoned temple. He had been compelled to depart from the Brotherhood of Darkness because his views on the Force differed from those of the organization's leader, Skere Kaan. After traversing the galaxy in search of Force-related relics, he established himself within the ruins, transforming them into the headquarters for his own Force-sensitive group, the Blackguard. He then became their inaugural leader, holding the title of Kursk.

By the year 1 ABY, the Blackguard still utilized the ruins as their base of operations, seldom venturing out except for recruitment or the pursuit of additional Force artifacts. The group's leader at that time, Kursk San'sii, had initiated the recruitment of individuals without Force sensitivity into the Blackguard due to declining numbers. These recruits constituted the majority of the forces stationed within the ruins. During this period, a Sullustan archaeologist named Mi Fon Lu developed an interest in studying the ruins. However, fearing potential attacks from the Blackguard inhabitants, he employed several spacers to eliminate the occupants. The spacers successfully eliminated all Blackguard members within the ruins, including San'sii and one of his most powerful followers, Vansk, in an event known as the Blackguard Purge. With the ruins now unoccupied, the Sullustan was able to relocate there and commence his research.

Behind the scenes

The Southern Jedi Ruins initially made an appearance in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies as a component of the Trials of Obi-Wan expansion, which was launched in 2005. Within the expansion, it functioned as a location on the newly introduced planet of Mustafar, serving as the home base for the newly formed Blackguard enemy faction. Players engaged in a series of quests that required them to eliminate various Blackguard enemies located within the ruins.

The Jedi ruins received subsequent mention in the Wizards of the Coast Saga Edition Roleplaying game supplement titled Jedi Academy Training Manual, which was released in 2009. They were referenced as the Blackguard's base of operations in a section detailing alternative Force traditions.

Star Wars Galaxies ceased operations on December 15, 2011.

