A male human named Colden held the title of prince within the city-state of Firevale, located on the planet Gansevor. This occurred circa 382 BBY. He entered into marriage with Sicatra, who was the princess of Bethune.
The ruler of Firevale, Queen Keraan, was Prince Colden's mother. At some point, he developed feelings for Princess Sicatra of Bethune and they eventually married. Bethune was a rival city-state harboring resentment towards Firevale's control over the baudraxite resources of Gansevor. Following their union, Colden and Sicatra devised a scheme to compel Keraan to step down, allowing Colden to assume leadership. The 'kidnapping' of Sicatra by Colden served as the casus belli, which enabled Field Marshal Tozen of Bethune to initiate a siege of Firevale with his army. In addition, a mercenary group, under the command of Abediah Viess, was hired and stationed behind one of Gansevor's moons as a reserve force. The expectation of Colden and Sicatra was that the siege would force his mother's abdication. Colden would then intervene as Firevale's new leader, negotiating a pre-arranged truce that would grant Bethune access to the baudraxite trade. However, Colden and his wife failed to anticipate that Horatio, Firevale's envoy to the planetary capital, would proactively send a distress signal to the Republic's Office of the Frontier. This communication was intercepted by Jedi Knights Porter Engle and Barash Silvain, who journeyed to Gansevor with the aim of achieving a peaceful resolution to the artificially created conflict between Firevale and Bethune.
Upon the arrival of Engle and Silvain in Firevale, Colden was present to receive them, having successfully navigated the Bethunian siege to deliver crucial aid to the city. He expressed surprise at the Jedi's arrival, but maintained the deception that Tozen's forces were solely motivated by the desire to reclaim Sicatra, who he claimed had sought asylum in Firevale. When Abediah Viess' mercenaries arrived to reinforce the Bethunians, Colden joined Engle and Silvain on the city walls to assess the city's defenses, which he suggested would soon fall given the mercenary army's strength. While Engle engaged the besiegers, Colden escorted Silvain to meet his mother, before engaging Keraan in a debate regarding the wisdom of his marriage to Sicatra in the presence of the Jedi. At this juncture, Sicatra arrived and, through a private conversation with Silvain, convinced her that she and Colden were merely innocent victims, compelled to seek refuge in Firevale due to her pregnancy.
Despite Engle's success in securing a temporary pause in the hostilities, the Bethunian and mercenary bombardment of Firevale resumed with renewed intensity, threatening the city's destruction. Colden advocated for opening the gates to secure a ceasefire, but his mother countered that such an action would inevitably lead to her forced abdication. Within the Bethunian army's ranks, Viess orchestrated the shooting of Tozen due to his hesitation to completely obliterate Firevale. However, before his death, the Field Marshal managed to contact Sicatra, informing her of what transpired. As the bombardment escalated, a distressed Sicatra confessed her and Colden's scheme to Silvain and Keraan, prompting the Queen to attempt to murder her daughter-in-law. Silvain intervened using the Force, preventing the act. Shortly thereafter, Sicatra delivered a speech urging the Bethunians to turn against the mercenaries responsible for their commander's death and to abandon the siege. Firevale was spared, but Colden and Sicatra's ambition to seize power was thwarted, resulting in a significant loss of life.