Condensed nerf milk was a concentrated version of the nerf's white milk. The nerf is a domesticated animal originating from the planet of Alderaan. On the Mid Rim world of Etai, the condensed milk was utilized by locals as a topping for jybbuk slush, finishing off the sugary drink with a customary fruit garnish.
Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs modified the Etaan recipe to make the drink known as Spiced Jybbuk Juice by replacing the fruit garnish with candied hot peppers, which added a spicy contrast to the sweetness. Tuggs put the Spiced Jybbuk Juice recipe in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, in 35 ABY, after a culinary journey through the galaxy between 34 ABY and 35 ABY.
The creation of condensed nerf milk occurred for the 2023 book Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a recipe book authored by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. To stand in for condensed nerf milk, the out-of-universe recipe for Spiced Jybbuk Juice employs condensed cow's milk.