The Corellian Medal of Honor represented an honor bestowed upon individuals serving within CorSec.
A notable instance involves Wilfred Quelsh, a Lieutenant Colonel, who received this medal after exposing the alleged corruption of his CorSec colleague, Kal Braggan. Nevertheless, Braggan's innocence was later revealed, leading to his demise at Quelsh's hands when he challenged Quelsh years afterward. During the ensuing conflict, Quelsh's medal was lost, prompting Major Alana Walden to assign a spacer the mission of retrieving it. The spacer located the medal near Braggan's body and ultimately uncovered the real story.
The 2003 video game, Star Wars Galaxies, featured the Corellian Medal of Honor. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it shut down on December 15, 2011. The medal was introduced to the game through an update titled "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," which went live on June 8, 2006.