Corman Jeihn

A Human male named Corman Jeihn, originating from Calabosh-2, spent some time as a security officer for the Caliban weapons manufacturing firm. Following the nationalization of Caliban by the Galactic Empire due to their support of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Jeihn departed Caliban and relocated to the planet Bespin, where he joined the Bespin Wing Guard. In 3 ABY, immediately before the Occupation of Bespin, Jeihn, along with Lando Calrissian, Lobot, and several other Wing Guardsmen, greeted a group of Rebels upon their arrival at the floating mining colony of Cloud City. After the Galactic Empire's forces captured the Rebels, Jeihn, Lobot, and other Wing Guardsmen ambushed an Imperial unit commanded by Lieutenant Sheckil, freeing three Rebels under Calrissian's orders.


Corman Jeihn, a Human male born on Calabosh-2, began his career on his homeworld working security for the Caliban arms manufacturer. He stayed employed there until the Galactic Empire discovered the company was supplying arms to the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Subsequently, Imperial Munitions nationalized Caliban, absorbing its assets, and Jeihn left Calabosh-2. He then journeyed to Bespin and secured a position with the Bespin Wing Guard, charged with policing Cloud City. However, in 3 ABY, his life was again disrupted when an Imperial contingent, led by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, landed on Cloud City with the objective of capturing a group of Rebels en route to Bespin. Lando Calrissian, the Baron Administrator of the city, made an agreement with Vader, promising to assist in the capture of the Rebels in exchange for Cloud City remaining free from Imperial occupation. Jeihn, along with five other Wing Guardsmen - Bialar Selis, Fin Mak'lath, Fantes Mer'darro, Allen Neff, and Helder Spinoza - accompanied Calrissian and his chief administrative aide, Lobot, to Platform 327 in Cloud City to meet the arriving Rebels. He and the five other guardsmen stood silently as Calrissian met with his old friends Han Solo and Chewbacca, along with their new companions Leia Organa and C-3PO, none of whom realized they were walking into a trap.

Jeihn was amongst the guardsmen who ambushed Sheckil.

Vader subsequently captured all the Rebels and altered the terms of his agreement with Calrissian regarding the prisoners. This angered Calrissian, leading him to secretly renege on the deal and decide to aid the Rebels instead. He alerted Lobot to the change of plans using the code "Code Force Seven," after which the aide assembled twelve guardsmen, including Jeihn, Selis, Spinoza, Pedar Solardo, Gir Endac and Razell Tameron. The group intercepted a squad of six Imperials, led by Lieutenant Sheckil and accompanied by Calrissian, who were escorting three Rebel prisoners to Vader's personal shuttle. The guards and Lobot aimed their blasters at the outnumbered Imperials, who surrendered, allowing Calrissian to liberate the prisoners. The Baron Administrator then instructed that the Imperials be discreetly taken to the Cloud City Security Tower, used by the Wing Guard as a detention center, to avoid raising suspicion among the other Imperials. Following Jeihn and the other Guardsmen escorting the Imperials away, Calrissian and the other Rebels escaped, although this resulted in Cloud City falling under Imperial control.

Personality and traits

Corman Jeihn, a Human with fair skin and black hair, remained untainted by the rampant corruption within the Wing Guard under the previous Baron Administrator, Dominic Raynor.


Jeihn wore the standard blue uniform of the Wing Guard and carried a standard-issue Relby-k23 blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Corman Jeihn's initial appearance was in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, where he was played by an uncredited extra. He was identified in 2014 when several Wing Guards were named in the Rogues Gallery feature of Star Wars Insider 148. Tim Veekhoven, Kevin Beentjes, and [Sander de Lange], who wrote the feature, later stated in a Facebook post that all the Wing Guards in the article who had not been previously established as corrupt were not corrupt, and most were "good guys" who opposed the corruption.

