During the Galactic Civil War, Pedar Solardo, a human, was a member of the Bespin Wing Guard. This organization served Cloud City on the planet Bespin. The conflict raged between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. In the year 3 ABY, Solardo participated in an ambush. His squad of guards surprised a group that included Imperial stormtroopers and Lieutenant Sheckil. They were escorting captive rebels: Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO through the city. Lando Calrissian, holding the title of Baron Administrator of Cloud City, expressed his appreciation to the guards. He then instructed Solardo and his comrades to take the captured Imperials to the Cloud City Security Tower.
Pedar Solardo was a human serving as a member of the Bespin Wing Guard. This group functioned as the security and law enforcement agency for the mining platform known as Cloud City, situated on the gas giant Bespin. During the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Galactic Empire, Solardo served under the leadership of Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian and his assistant, Lobot. In 3 ABY, Imperial forces, commanded by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, arrived at Cloud City. They coerced Calrissian into an agreement to assist in capturing a group of rebels soon to arrive on Bespin.
To safeguard the city from Imperial occupation, Calrissian orchestrated a trap for the rebels, leading to their capture. However, Vader deviated from the agreement, ordering that the rebels Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO be transported to his shuttle, disregarding his initial promise to leave Organa in Calrissian's care. Prompted by this change, Calrissian accompanied Imperial officer Lieutenant Sheckil and a contingent of four stormtroopers as they escorted the three prisoners through Cloud City's corridors, all the while secretly communicating with Lobot.
Subsequently, Lobot directed a squad of guards, including Solardo, to intercept and ambush the Imperials at a corridor intersection. Solardo brandished his Relby-k23 blaster pistol, aiming it at Sheckil. After the surrounded Imperials surrendered, Solardo seized the officer, pulling him away from the prisoners. Calrissian commended the squad and instructed them to discreetly escort the captured Imperials to Cloud City's security tower and detain them there. Following this, the Baron Administrator departed with the rebels as the security personnel escorted the Imperials to a holding cell. Soon after, Calrissian announced an evacuation of Cloud City via the platform's speaker system, warning residents of the Empire's control before fleeing offworld himself.
Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, a 1980 film from the original trilogy, marked Pedar Solardo's debut. Within the current Star Wars canon, his identification first occurred on a card featured in the 2025 Topps card set, 2024 Topps Star Wars Hyperspace. The name's origin lies in the Star Wars Legends continuity. Solardo was initially identified in "Rogues Gallery: The Cloud City Wing Guards", an article penned by Tim Veekhoven and Sander de Lange and published in Star Wars Insider 148 on March 11, 2014. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi?, a 2015 adaptation of Episode V authored by Adam Gidwitz, inaccurately portrays the Wings Guards who liberate Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO as a platoon already accompanying Calrissian and the Imperials, rather than arriving with Lobot, thus contradicting the film's narrative.