Sheckil was a lieutenant in the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, identified as a male human. During the mission to Cloud City on Bespin, Sheckil went with Darth Vader. Furthermore, he functioned as an officer within the group that was trying to apprehend Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker. He also oversaw the duty of taking Princess Leia Organa to Vader's ship.
Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, a 1980 movie, was the first time Sheckil was seen. Jeremy Bulloch played him, and he also portrayed Boba Fett in the same movie. The Star Wars Customizable Card Game Cloud City Limited pack of Star Wars Legends was the first place the name "Sheckil" was created. Its inclusion in the digital card game Star Wars: Force Collection made the name canonized.
Bullock was not originally cast as Sheckil; however, he took on the role because the actor initially chosen to play Sheckil was unable to be there on the day of filming.